Millcorp is grain trading company headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
Millcorp develops around 3 key driver activities: origination, trading and marketing/distribution.
Our focus is on 3 flagship products: soft wheat, durum wheat and corn.
We trade 1.5 million tons of agri-commodities per year by sourcing mainly focused on Sicily and Azov-Black Sea region (with 3 different origination teams located in Ukraine, Russia and Italy). We bring cargos to North and West Africa as well as various Black Sea and Mediterranean destinations capitalizing on a large network of privileged partners.
For Millcorp Geneva SA, stable and continuous growth requires an activity based on unfailing respect for ethical rules and international standards.
The principles set out in this Code of Conduct constitute the fundamental values in which I believe and which guide me in my mission as a manager.
Their application is also essential to our reputation as a trusted partner.
Each employee must read this Code and act to demonstrate exemplary behavior in terms of integrity and mutual respect in order to participate in this healthy environment conducive to professional development that characterizes our company.
I count on your commitment.
David Bellelis – CEO of Millcorp Geneva SA
Millcorp is committed to respecting, defending, and promoting human rights in accordance with recognized frameworks such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Guidelines.
Millcorp ensures that all its partners and the companies within its supply chain are committed to this path and comply with the principles and standards set by the International Labour Organization (ILO).
Therefore, Millcorp does not collaborate with or engage with parties that, knowingly or negligently, have committed human rights violations such as child labor, forced labor, physical punishment, threats of violence, or any other form of abuse
Our main strategy of differentiation is to reduce the chain of intermediaries building a strong one-actor connection between producers and final consumers.
Millcorp has managed to establish itself as a new and disruptive player in a market mainly monopolized by production and trading giants.
We are driven by a mission, first of all ethical: to serve regions that are in scarce of agri-products by sourcing it directly from the best in class high quality producers, thus rebalancing supply and demand.
Over the past two years, Millcorp has tripled its workforce and has grown exponentially by as much as 300% in terms of trade volumes by developing both existing markets and new geographies. This strong development was made possible due to the high business expertise of our teams, their deep knowledge of target regions, as well as values of commitment, excellence and transparency on which Millcorp has based its corporate culture
Our strong business connection with one of major milling groups on the African continent, with annual crushing capacity 700 000 tons and 300 000 tons, of storage allows Millcorp to benefit from a coupled trade-industry approach, making this symbiosis a source of value creation.